Forums - Fastest Meter Builders?? (MVC2) Show all 53 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Fastest Meter Builders?? (MVC2) ( Posted by AmScott on 04:18:2001 10:21 PM: Which characters in MVC2 build the hyper meter the fastest? Posted by ytwojay on 04:18:2001 10:26 PM: Umm, Storm is a good battery cause she has an air dash, lightning attack x3, and she descends slowly. call your assists and jump around with her fierce punch and you should get your meter up. Also, spiral is good too, as long as you know how to use her swords. If you dl some of the vids on this site, you can see how people set up traps and build meters while chipping like crazy. And since she wont be using her supers anyway (well usually, except for her metamorphosis on occasion), you can save them for your second character, preferably Cable. Posted by DrewSpiegel on 04:18:2001 10:43 PM: I think Omega Red is, he's like the damn energizer bunny. Posted by WMoose on 04:18:2001 10:43 PM: Storm, Magneto, Spiral and Sentinel. Posted by Hustleman21 on 04:18:2001 10:50 PM: Morrigan Rouge T.bonne Storm Magneto Strider/Doom Posted by AZER on 04:18:2001 10:53 PM: Omega Red is IMO the fastest level builders in the game. Posted by Shuzer on 04:18:2001 11:05 PM: For just single characters, the best for meter building would have to be Storm, Omega Red, Cyclops, Blackheart, and Spiral. Storm has her runaway, Omega can poke from full screen and drain meter, Cyke has his runaway, BH has demons and high priority jump in, and Spiral has 2 things she can do. She has her knives that everyone knows about, and a stupid little air trick. Super jump, qcb + roundhouse, roundhouse, qcb + roundhouse, roundhouse etc etc. It looks funny because it looks like she's twitching in the air. (props to AK[i think, if it was someone else, sorry] for finding this) For teams or duos, Spiral/X, Doom/BH, and Sent/BH or CapCom all build meter fast and effectively. Posted by DeathFromAbove on 04:19:2001 03:25 AM: Rogue with a speed-up. Storm Anakaris Doom Posted by DemiDeviMatt on 04:19:2001 03:29 AM: strom magento strider cable sentinel ruby heart mega man anyof the shotokahn characters? Posted by DannyCat on 04:19:2001 03:32 AM: Which single move gains the most meter? Does anything do more than Spiral's or Storm's Fierce throws? Posted by S3nTiN3L on 04:19:2001 04:54 AM: WM usto kick ass at combo building in MvsC so did wolverine but now thay suck at it WHAT HAPEND (like souldent IM have building potencial)? Posted by chalyb0ie on 04:19:2001 05:00 AM: yea id say storm, omega red, and spiral... spirals swords builds alotta meter a runaway storm builds hecka meter... omega reds coils gives him alotta meter. All 3 of these guys can also build meter w/ their throws....if mashed.... Posted by State of Nature on 04:19:2001 06:04 AM: Storm's throw can't be mashed, I don't think. It does build mad meter though. I'd agree the best batteries are Omega Red, Runaway storm (and throw happy storm), and Spiral's swords. Posted by Grivan on 04:19:2001 06:14 AM: Storm's punch throw can be mashed. Posted by lftrpllr on 04:19:2001 01:39 PM: quote: Originally posted by DannyCat Which single move gains the most meter? Does anything do more than Spiral's or Storm's Fierce throws? A mashed throw from Felicia gives 1 full level every time. Of course, your opponent gets a full level too which sux. Later- Posted by Big Pete Roasa on 04:19:2001 02:21 PM: I personaly like the Doom Blackheart trap for building up supers Posted by That One Guy on 04:19:2001 02:41 PM: Omega Red? Why? Storm would be the best for a battery. Superjump, hold UP, repeatitively press Fierce Punch, Air Dash up after 5 FP's, keep pushing FP until you're close to the ground, then Lightning Attack 3 times up, keep pushing FP. Then there's her FP throw... LOL! Wow, that builds meter in the wink of an eye. Posted by Zechs on 04:19:2001 02:42 PM: You're all wrong You're all wrong, not counting mashable throws (cuz they can be counter mashed, duuuuh). The fastest meter builder in the Game is DAN Hibiki. Thats right Dan. Try it out, test it out. Posted by That One Guy on 04:19:2001 02:56 PM: Dan? HAHAHA! Riiight... -Not many people can Tech Hit ( "counter mash" ) a throw. -Not many people can attack Storm when she's running away. -Dan can't build half a meter in 3 seconds like Storm. Sure, Dan has taunts. That doesn't build much, though. You might as well stand on the ground pushing Fierce Punch, cuz taunts leave you open for attacks anyways. Posted by Zechs on 04:19:2001 03:25 PM: uh huh, Cant mash a throw?! all you friggen have to do is wiggle the joystick as fast as you can and um MASH the buttons! Dan builds meter faster than Storm, he can SJ and throw out more FP than Storm can. (plus Dans FP build more meter than Storms does). Well actually I'm not sure about that. I havent really tested it and its all from observation. So , right now I may be talking out of my a$$. Dan ownz you all. Posted by silenttiger on 04:20:2001 11:55 AM: Two of the best are Omega Red and Cyclops. Cyc's roundhouse builds lots of meter and you can use it while opponents jump in on you so you get like a mini-AAA and meter builder in one move. Posted by Grivan on 04:20:2001 01:31 PM: The differenece is dan gets kiled when he super jumps storm doesnt. Posted by DavestA on 04:20:2001 05:49 PM: i think cyclops jumping HK works reallie well for me IMO Posted by on 04:20:2001 06:12 PM: -Spider-Man (This guy builds meter hella fast with his air combo and ground chain abillities) -Spiral (Throwing swords and trapping successfully builds meter FAST) -Magneto, Storm, Psylocke (Do I really need a reason?) -Cyclops (Jumping and double jumping with his HK is good and fast) -Strider (Dial combos a plenty and you'll run that bill up) Basically anyone with fast air combos and a fast launcher will build meter FAST. Posted by Tuff Daddy on 04:20:2001 07:08 PM: Magneto seems to work really well with Storm assist for building meter granted that you aren't using it up too early with Tempest combos with a DHC into Hailstorm. Wait a minute...that kills most everyone. Nevermind. Use Doom/BH. BIG meter. Posted by That One Guy on 04:20:2001 07:46 PM: Re: uh huh, quote: Originally posted by Zechs Cant mash a throw?! all you friggen have to do is wiggle the joystick as fast as you can and um MASH the buttons! LoL! I'm talking newbies, scrubs, people with wrist problems, people with painful blisters from mashing too much, and the such. =) Posted by Ryu-ism on 04:20:2001 10:23 PM: I personally think it is Anakaris with that mummy throw thing (forgot name sorry), but then again you have to be able to grab him with it..not easy. The bad is it also fills your opponents meter pretty fast as well. Posted by Lord Doom on 04:20:2001 10:26 PM: Anybody to me can build a level fast. I just fight so naturally I will have a level or two or three just off of that. But the fastest to me are Spiral, Storm, Magneto, BH, Omega Red, and believe or not Cable. Posted by Naslectronical on 04:20:2001 10:35 PM: Magneto Storm Omega Red Spiral Doom Cyclops Iron Man Psylocke Felicia Posted by Mulliggan on 04:21:2001 12:43 AM: I dont think u can mash the storm throw , i remeber viscant saying that some where, also if u gonna say dan can get meter faster u mind telling us why, you sound like ur in the 3rd grade. Neway i think gambit /doom can gain decent meter and do damage from block damage if played right. Jes play them like u would do with strieder/doom minus the orbs and instead of teleporting use the cajun slash or whatever( the attack where he bounces off the wall and kicks when coming down) to the other side, gotto watch out for high priorty AAA's and a cable an ticipating the cajun slash. They cant hit you out of reaction but they can anticipate it and hit u and doom while u in air if u do it from full screen. Posted by Naslectronical on 04:21:2001 12:47 AM: quote: Originally posted by Mulliggan I dont think u can mash the storm throw , i remeber viscant saying that some where, also if u gonna say dan can get meter faster u mind telling us why, you sound like ur in the 3rd grade. Neway i think gambit /doom can gain decent meter and do damage from block damage if played right. Jes play them like u would do with strieder/doom minus the orbs and instead of teleporting use the cajun slash or whatever( the attack where he bounces off the wall and kicks when coming down) to the other side, gotto watch out for high priorty AAA's and a cable an ticipating the cajun slash. They cant hit you out of reaction but they can anticipate it and hit u and doom while u in air if u do it from full screen. Gambit building meter. LOL! You might build meter, but you would do absolutely no damage. Gambit can't take advantage of Doom's AAA assist as well as Strider can because he doesn't have abusable moves and tactics with which to do so. Posted by Fozzy on 04:21:2001 02:28 AM: hmm i'd say cable, magneto Posted by RoTeNdO on 04:21:2001 02:54 AM: I would add Thanos to the list. Posted by Dionysus on 04:21:2001 03:23 AM: laf i know the fastest I all i see is a list of top tears ('cept omega) i think they are begining to rot yer brains. People seem to be sleeping on Venom. Venom builds levels EXTREMELY fast. Posted by DeathFromAbove on 04:21:2001 03:31 AM: quote: Originally posted by RoTeNdO I would add Thanos to the list. I'm curious as to why? I know he has a long ground chain, but he has difficulty taking the offense, in my experience. Anything you could do to shed light on this? Posted by Mulliggan on 04:21:2001 06:59 AM: Well obviously gambit/doom isnt top tier like strider/doom but the fact that he doesnt need meter to do the mini trap lets him get more meter, that is if u keep attacking while doom is on the other side. Also it wont lock down as much as strider doombut i would say you gain almost or 3/4ths the bar that strider does while doing the trap, but overall strider could gain more meter if he didnt use it all up. Oh ya you would do almost the same if you can keep them in it, due to the fact that strider doesnt do much chip in the strider/doom trap doom does. If you do a littel ground chain into cajun slash and while doom is on the otehr side doom would be right behin the opponent its up to you on pushing them into doom, ther fore doing almost the same damage. You can also jump over them with roundhouse and call doom if your close enough. Even tho this mini trap imo is easier to do than doom/strider you cannot lock them down like they do. I think this is just the poor mans doom/strider Posted by Goo17 on 04:21:2001 07:10 AM: I got ONE Character that can build your meter with GREAT SPEED DAN all u need to do is taunt and your meter goes up...INSANELY fast! hehe Posted by JaHa on 04:21:2001 11:38 PM: if u play the right strider/doom u can continue the trap and always have one level continuing the trap and the right magneto player can constantly combo with levels Posted by Stuc2K on 04:21:2001 11:42 PM: The fastest meter builder plain and simple is Anakaris (one mummy wrap = half a meter). The safest, yet fastest, meter builder however, is a tie between Storm and Spiral in my opinion. Posted by Naslectronical on 04:21:2001 11:42 PM: Thanos? Okay, now we're just getiing dumb. He has to use meter. You can't use meter if you're a battery character. And Gambit? The worst thing about this is, well, you have to use Gambit. Posted by Naslectronical on 04:21:2001 11:45 PM: quote: Originally posted by Stuc2K The fastest meter builder plain and simple is Anakaris (one mummy wrap = half a meter). The safest, yet fastest, meter builder however, is a tie between Storm and Spiral in my opinion. Hey, Stuc2K! How's it goin' man? Posted by Stuc2K on 04:21:2001 11:47 PM: Whats happenin dude? Did ya know i'm going to B5? Lol...and yes, I finally got registered on Posted by Naslectronical on 04:21:2001 11:50 PM: quote: Originally posted by Stuc2K Whats happenin dude? Did ya know i'm going to B5? Lol...and yes, I finally got registered on True. I want to go. Maybe I can if I find a job soon and save up enough before August. Are you gonna play at B5, or just watch? I'll see ya' later, dude. Nice to see ya on SRK finally! Posted by Stuc2K on 04:21:2001 11:52 PM: I'm gonna play it dude! Lol...I think Sinawe and/or Roger are goin too, they wanna see my Chun Li lol (i'm not using her in a tourney, but i'm sure they got machines for practice). Not sure what team i'm gonna use yet, but i'd better brush up and quit playin CvS so much lol. Posted by Naslectronical on 04:21:2001 11:58 PM: quote: Originally posted by Stuc2K I'm gonna play it dude! Lol...I think Sinawe and/or Roger are goin too, they wanna see my Chun Li lol (i'm not using her in a tourney, but i'm sure they got machines for practice). Not sure what team i'm gonna use yet, but i'd better brush up and quit playin CvS so much lol. If I go, I'll play it too. I'll probably be eliminated in the first few rounds, though. I'm above average, but I'm not really a master. I'm sure you'll do fine, my friend! I'd love to see your Chun-Li, and even more, I'd love to see your Bison. Sinawe and Roger are going to, huh? This is going to be exciting! Posted by tempest on 04:22:2001 12:01 AM: i think bh, spiral, magento, psylocke, storm, , omage red are the fastest meters builders peace Posted by Stuc2K on 04:22:2001 12:04 AM: My Chun Li FAQ is over at gameFAQs...check it out also the Bison FAQ is on the way after I finish this big Chun Li FAQ update. Posted by Naslectronical on 04:22:2001 01:37 AM: quote: Originally posted by Stuc2K My Chun Li FAQ is over at gameFAQs...check it out also the Bison FAQ is on the way after I finish this big Chun Li FAQ update. I saw your Chun-Li faq a few days ago. Very Nice. I've been practicing with her for about the last week or two, and you're right, she can be deadly. I've been using her with Mags and Psylocke/Sentinel. Can't wait to see your Bison Faq! Posted by *Magneto* on 04:22:2001 01:44 AM: Storm's HP grab builds a whole level practically! Posted by jBeaN on 04:22:2001 01:45 AM: quote: Originally posted by *Magneto* Storm's HP grab builds a whole level practically! Yup, and what's weird about it is that it builds meter for both people....try it in training mode and watch both meters rise... Posted by Stuc2K on 04:22:2001 02:05 AM: jBean that tag, avator whatever it is is PHAT! Just wanted to compliment that lol. Later. Posted by MadjaYcD on 04:22:2001 02:14 AM: quote: Originally posted by jBeaN Yup, and what's weird about it is that it builds meter for both people....try it in training mode and watch both meters rise... in fact the person that's getting thrown gets more meter. Felicia's throw builds the most meter. Posted by on 04:22:2001 02:31 AM: Who can forget CapCom's HK throw? Mash like hell and you damage and you build mad meter. All times are GMT. The time now is 12:09 AM. Show all 53 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.